Korean-American professional chef Judy Joo is widely-renowned as being the host of Food Network’s Korean Food Made Simple and an Iron Chef UK. Judy launched her first restaurant Jinjuu, in London in January 2015.
Before grabbing noticeable fame, Joo worked as an analyst at Morgan Stanley and enrolled at the French Culinary Institute. As an exquisite professional chef and TV personality, Judy has enticed most of her followers to have a dig at her secluded whereabouts.
Judy Joo Married Or Divorced?
Judy Joo usually likes to keep her focus on her career rather than the relationship buzz. In her interview with Foodrepublic back on 31 October 2016, Judy mentioned that she got engaged to her ex-husband, who was a former co-worker at Morgan Stanley.
Furthermore, Judy stated that her ex-fiancé, who worked for a hedge fund in London, eventually ended the marriage vows with her. Besides, Judy mentioned of not conceiving any children; instead, she gave birth to the restaurants.
As far as Joo’s confined private life is concerned, she stays single and remains attentively focused on her chef career.
Judy Joo’s Bio, Family Life
Judy Joo was born on 9 December 1974, in Summit, New Jersey, the United States to Korean parents. Her father was from North Korea, and her mom grew up just outside of Seoul.
Growing up in a war refugee camp, Judy’s father focused on his studies and made it to Seoul High School and Seoul National Medical School.
Her mother was from the literate family who believed education was the core for the success. Judy’s mom got a full scholarship to study chemistry at Ohio State.
Judy Joo with her mother (Photo: Judy Joo's Twitter)
Judy grew up in the family where food was termed as a language of love. Her mother made everything from scratch as his father was very fond of Korean food. Judy got inspired by her mother and gathered a lot of interest in cooking from her early childhood.
Judy Joo’s Professional Career, Net Worth
Judy began a career in the banking industry after completing her graduation with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and Operation Research from Columbia University. She worked at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley as an institutionally fixed income derivative saleswomen.
However, with her growing interest in cooking, Judy switched careers as a chef after attending The French Culinary Institute in 2004. Subsequently, Joo worked at Saveur magazine in the test kitchens and the editorial.
After working at Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants, Judy opened her restaurant in London called Jinjuu in January 2015.
Besides her professional chef career, Judy marked her presence felt on TV industry as a chef on the cooking show Iron Chef UK. Apart from that, Judy is the host of Food Network’s Korean Food Made Simple.
As a professional chef and TV personality, Judy Joo inevitably enjoys a massive net worth which dwells above million. However, her exact earning remains confined to media.